Hannah Pycroft

Hannah Pycroft


Position: Accountant

Cert lll in Business, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and a Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)

Position: Accountant

Cert lll in Business, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and a Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)

Hannah joined CBAS early in 2020, after completing a Certificate III in Business through Career Employment Group and AFL Sports Ready. Hannah is following the successful pathway taken by Jake and Bonni and is developing her professional skill set under the tutelage of the other experienced Advisers within the team.

CBAS has developed a unique “one-system process for all of the compliance and financial administration work that we do”, to ensure work can be accurately and efficiently processed, reviewed and turned around using the “one system and process”. This has proven to be a successful grounding and disciplined pathway, particularly for graduates within the CBAS business.

Position: Accountant

Cert lll in Business, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and a Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)

Hannah joined CBAS early in 2020, after completing a Certificate III in Business through Career Employment Group and AFL Sports Ready. Hannah is following the successful pathway taken by Jake and Bonni and is developing her professional skill set under the tutelage of the other experienced Advisers within the team.

CBAS has developed a unique “one-system process for all of the compliance and financial administration work that we do”, to ensure work can be accurately and efficiently processed, reviewed and turned around using the “one system and process”. This has proven to be a successful grounding and disciplined pathway, particularly for graduates within the CBAS business.