Client Disclosure


Information we are required to Disclose to You


As a Registered Tax Agent (No; 74628009), our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 S45(2)(a) requires that we make the following disclosures to you:


  1. Matters that could significantly influence your decision to engage us (or continue to engage us) for a Tax Agent Service from 1 August 2024 onward may include the following:
    • Changes in Service Fees: Any increases or changes in the fee structure for the tax agent services we provide you.
    • Experience and Qualifications: Updates on our professional qualifications, certifications, or any significant changes in our experience or expertise relevant to tax services.
    • Service Offerings: Introduction of new services or discontinuation of existing services that may impact your needs.
    • Conflicts of Interest: Any potential conflicts of interest that may affect our ability to provide unbiased advice or services to you.
    • Regulatory Changes: Changes in laws or regulations that impact our tax agent services and how these changes might affect you.
    • Professional Indemnity Insurance: Information about our professional indemnity insurance, including any changes in coverage that could affect your protection.
    • Compliance with Code of Conduct: Assurance of adherence to the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 and any updates related to it.
    • Client Confidentiality: Policies and practices regarding the confidentiality of your client information and any changes to these policies.
    • Disciplinary Actions: Disclosure of any disciplinary actions or sanctions taken against us by the Tax Practitioners Board or any other regulatory body.
    • Subcontracting and Third-Party Involvement: Information on whether any part of the service will be subcontracted or handled by third parties, including details about their qualifications and roles.
    • Technological Changes: Implementation of new technologies or software systems that may change the way services are delivered to you.
    • Communication Practices: Changes in how we will communicate with you, including response times, preferred communication channels, and availability.
    • Client Feedback and Complaints Process: Details on how you can provide feedback or lodge complaints, and any changes to this process.
    • Billing and Payment Terms: Changes in billing practices or payment terms that might affect your decision to engage our services.
    • Ethical Standards and Professionalism: Reassurance of our commitment to ethical standards and professional conduct, and any relevant updates or enhancements in this area.


2. The Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:


3. If you have a complaint about our Tax Agent services, you will need to contact the Accountant within our firm who is responsible for your affairs, in the first instance with details of the complaint by email.


4. If your Accountant is unable to resolve your complaint within 3 business days, please contact Troy Doudle, Senior partner of the firm by email,


5. Your complaint will be investigated by Troy, who will provide you with an email acknowledgement of receipt of your  complaint and our understanding of the circumstances.


6. The email will inform you that we will attempt to resolve your complaint within 14 days and will outline the dispute resolution process.


7. If you are unhappy with the outcome that we propose to you, you can then make a complaint to the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) using the link listed above. The TPB will send you an email to acknowledge the receipt of your complaint and review and risk assess your complaint.


8. If you are unhappy with how the TPB has dealt with your complaint, the above link includes details about your review rights and who can further assist you.


These disclosures help ensure transparency and trust between us and you, allowing you to make informed decisions about engaging our tax agent services.